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NSU candidate passes away

Politics, Society
Engr. Chimerie Ezeilo

Nanka students union’s huge loss. Engr Chimerie Ezeilo goes home.

The last election have come and gone but the pains it left in our heart will remain. On the eve of the 2015 state Assembly election in Anambra state, we were shocked to hear of the death of Chimerie Ezeilo, who participated in the presidential election and was on his way to participate in the later election when he met his untimely death.

Engr Chimerie Ezeilo is from Ubahu village, he completed the mandatory NYSC early last year. Until his death he was the president of Ubahu students union. A former PROII of the Nanka students union(2010-2012). A member of the Poly Emenike Foundation. A youth crusader and lover of children.

Indeed his demise at this time that he is needed most by his Family and all that are dear to him is disheartning. The mystery we are yet to unravel is how a total number of five persons died in Nanka that same day.

Chimerie’s death is a colossal loss to us. In the same way, it is a quick reminder of the inevitable end of all mortal. It is true that all mortals must die. But unfulfilled death of such is what we all pray against. Why do we live to die when we die to live again.
Emerie, you will forever be remembered in our heart. Memories of the good times you spent with us will not be erased in a HURRY.

His remains will be laid to rest tomorrow, the 29th day of April, 2015 in his Family compound in Ubahu village Nanka. We urge all Nanka students at all level to come out tomorrow in your numbers as we pay the last respect to this fallen hero. Meeting point is at Nkwoagu bus stop.
Time is 8am.
Dress code :black on black.
It is our prayer that God grant the Family the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.

Goodnight Engr Chimerie Ezeilo.

Sammy Jonas

Nanka studentsunion appoints Principal officers for the union(patrons,matrons,grandmatron and legal adviser)


On the occasion of the 2015 Easter general meeting of the Nanka students union held at Umudala village Hall on Saturday, 4th April, 2015, principal officers were appointed for the union. They are:
1.Wife of the Anambra state Honourable Commissioner for Health, Mrs. Nkiruka Akabuike from Agbiligba village who is a lecturer at the Federal Polytechnic, Oko.
2.Wife of the sole financier of Ezeudonanka university scholarship, and CEO of Green life Pharmaceuticals, Mrs. EBELE Nwosu from Umudala village.
Grand matron
Prof(Mrs) Bernice Nwakaego Ezeilo, from Ifite village, an Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology, former secretary of Nankastudentsunion,she was the matron of the Union. from 2004-2006. Presently, she is the sponsor of the maiden edition of the Igbo debate that will be staged this August for Nanka undergraduates.
1. Mr. Sunday Ezeagu from umudala village.
2.Dr. Chike Nwankwo from Agbiligba village, Lecturer Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. He is the sponsor of the Football competition for secondary school students in Nanka over the past four years.
Grand patron
Chief Sir Felix CHINEDU from Ubahu village was still retained as the Grandpatron. He is a lecturer at the Federal Polytechnic, Oko.
Legal Adviser
Barrister Odinaka Obiora from Ifite village.
NB: These appointments are subject to their acceptance


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