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2015 budget proposal added


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Catholic priest alleges that President and wife planned to kill him


Enugu-based Catholic priest, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka, has alleged that President Goodluck Jonathan and his wife, Patience, were planning to kill him over his criticism of the Federal Government and his opposition to the President’s re-election.

Rev-Father-Mbaka, in a new video currently trending on YouTube, made the allegation Youtube during a sermon he delivered in his church. The congregation erupted in a howl when Mbaka said, “President cheap jerseys online Jonathan and his wife are planning to kill me.”

The Roman Catholic Priest, whose recent comments on the general elections generated ripples, said the plan to assassinate him showed that the President no longer had the fear of NOLEGGIO God. According to the video, Mbaka said that, “Although I sent a letter about this somewhere but I want to say this to the atmosphere. Let me say to the whole world that President Jonathan and his wife, Patience, are planning to assassinate Father Mbaka.

It is a known secret, so whoever they want to use, I don’t know. They may not come cheap jerseys themselves. They may use these unemployed people. The same people I am speaking for. I don’t know why people no longer have the fear of God.
*Do they think that killing Father Mbaka will make Jonathan and his wife win the election?
*Is Mbaka their problem?
And a priest asked a question that touched me. He said all painting, this while that Father Mbaka has been supporting Jonathan and his wife, did Buhari and his party make any statement to threatened him?”

Mbaka maintained that his criticism of the Jonathan administration was a divine mandate, while making allusion to the bible story of when God sent Moses to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go.
He compared his New Year message against Nanka President Jonathan to Moses’ message to the Egyptian King, Pharaoh.
He said in the video, “I am just trying to tell any Pharaoh that is threatening to kill any Moses to remember what happened in…….Exodus lecture chapter 12…. After the Passover, the family of Pharaoh cried.

They ended in the middle of Lulu the Red Sea.”
The Catholic priest said despite the threats, he would continue to discharge his duties wholesale jerseys without fear of anyone. Mbaka also WIG20 denied that Patience Jonathan gave him any cheap nfl jerseys money when she visited his church.
He said although President Jonathan dropped money for him through Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, he left the money with Ekweremadu and his wife.
He also said that Patience Jonathan’s offering to the church was also rejected. Mbaka wholesale nba jerseys launched a scathing criticism of President Jonathan last year when he gave a sermon condemning his re-election.


Research Professor Chike Akoh’s lecture


Globalization, Education, Community Development and service; THE WAY FORWARD FOR NANKA
The distinguished Research Prof. Vegetarische Casmir Chike Akoh , is one of the outstanding revelation of the 21st century in the field of food science. A worthy ambassador of Nanka,a former President of students union, an easy going gentleman. He led a team of eminent professors to the N.P.U Annual general meeting held at Etti civic centre, where he delivered a timely and remarkable lecture. He was to address the Nanka students on the 29th day of December 2014, he actually visited Umudala Hall where he addressed the students some time ago, hoping to meet them at the hall, but for poor communication on the part of the students union, he met no one.
In this epochal lecture, the D.R.Prof.Akoh enunciated his humble beginning and the hurdles he crossed on the road to the top. He reiterated that hard work pays. He sees education as the means to prosperity
“Education is a means to prosperity”. An informed person is an educated person. Nanka citizens can be justifiably proud of the number of educated indigenes but that is not enough or should we say, do we gainfully utilize the education? He continued “Education –both formal and informal means enables one to posses knowledge, money to contribute to Nanka development, donate to a course, charity, have personal pride and self-sufficient.”
This is an all encompassing definition of education coming from a renowned scholar. The area of interest here is:
“…to possess knowledge, money to contribute to Nanka development, donate to a course”.
A perusal at Nanka’s intimidating intellectuals in various disciplines as always published by NankaNews is a clear testimony of Nanka’s academic prowess. However, agreeing with D.R.Prof.Akoh’s definition of who an educated person is (of course as an undergraduate, I lack the capacity to argue his assertion),one continues towonder if Nanka actually possess the caliber of academicians I see on Nanka news always , especially when compared to the human capital and community development . If Nanka News is right then what is the issue? Is it that D.R.Prof.Akoh’s definition of education is absurd? Can we adjudge that Nanka is truly educated? To what extents have this translated this to Nanka’s development? D.R.Prof.Akoh did not just refer to professors as the only educated ones, as he discussed the concept of formal and informal education, which qualifies recipients of any to be considered educated
“We should use our education, formal and informal, for the development of Nanka”.
D.R.Prof.Akoh added “The Indian and Chinese people know how to help one another in business, work and academics. When they see their country men and women, they network, share information, and help them settle in USA and elsewhere in the world. Why can’t we Nigerians and Nankarians do the same? My goal is, and indeed that of all Nankarians should be, to help more Nankarians have the same opportunity and to see the life of many families uplifted and changed for the better”.

D.R.Prof.Akoh is impressed with the level of commitment and progress made by certain individuals in Nanka , which includes; Top class hotel, Ifite , Neros sports stadium , Rocktama Natural spring water , Ofuobi hospital, Nanka News, Etti computer institute , yearly free medical service to our people , various scholarships programs, school renovation and many others” He described them as our heroes. These lasting projects arelandmark achievements engineered by dedicated minds that have the good of our town at heart. If only 10% of educated Nankarians will imbibe his philosophy and utilize the resources within their disposal in emulation of the efforts of these heroes of our town, then Nanka will be transformed to a model community worthy of emulation.
He also advocated for a new Nanka where basic amenities will be readily accessible to all, a sort of a replica of what is obtainable in the U.S.
As a food scientist he is, conversant with the fact that health is wealth he commented on health education – what to eat, the right proportion and what not to eat in order to stay healthy.
Community Service
The most striking comment here read thus:
“Individuals serving the community, state , federal, or any organization must understand that it is a voluntary service and that they are not there to enrich themselves or become ‘gods’ so everyone can worship them. If you serve the people well, they will reward you and God will also bless you”.
This is not only applicable to the Nanka scenario, but a concern to global politics and economy.
Leadership in any capacity is a call to service and not a short cut to amassing wealth unjustly. This has become imperative even as we advocate and anticipate for a glorious future for our dear community. Selfless service to humanity should be a priority –a sacrificial approach towards the betterment of the lots of the human race. Great leaders began as humble servants. The lecturer, who we presume has not reached the peak of his profession/career because we look forward to that moment when he will receive the most wholesale jerseys prestigious laurel of NOBEL PRIZE which we earnestly pray for; for finding time out of his tight schedules in the states to come home to deliver this epoch lecture, that is a disposition synonymous with service to humanity, wholesale Minnesota Vikings jerseys an exhibition of the think home mentality giving back to the community that brought him up. The consciousness of selfless service to humanity, according to wholesale NBA jerseys the lecture was instilled into his mind, a long time ago – while growing up. He noted
“I happened to have served the Nanka students union in helping to produce ‘The Revival magazine’ offering extramural classes and the honour of serving as her President in 1979-1980 after Engr.Augustine Oforkaji. To me, community service means giving back to the community where you grew up, where you live and worship, where you got your education and where you work. It can be in the form of helping aged seniors buy something from the market, taking someone to the hospital , visiting a sick person, volunteering to help clean the road side of debris , volunteering to serve as an officer in your village or Umunna meetings, age grade , local branch of N.P.U in your city , organizing a fund raising event, medical event, medical services having a business in town that employs our people , helping some people achieve their dreams ,organizing extra mural and extra-curricular activities to keep our young ones out of trouble…….. You can help shape the development of Nanka and her future. You contribute your talent intellectual capabilities time and sometimes money to uplift your community you owe your success today to something or someone, if not for anything else; to the fact that you are a Nankarian.
Service is a selfless and sometimes thankless gift to the community and should not be regarded as a means to usurp power. You serve to make a difference. Through service, however you can be elected to an office that may have power , but that power is a trusted power to do a good job and be accountable to the community but not for self-enrichment . The good that you do lives after you. You are rewarded by God and people on earth, and it stays after you are gone. The ill gotten wealth will not follow you to the grave.”
On grooming future leaders, he believes that the time to start grooming future leaders for Nanka is now.
“We have to start with our young ones by giving them small projects and responsibilities. We need to encourage them to aim high but not settle for the second place.”
In this regards, I think the students union is a veritable platform where future leaders should be groomed. If this is prioritized then hopefully with time, we will begin to see former students union leaders occupying leadership position in Nanka , both in the patriotic union and state politics . The dark days of negligence and levity of the students union are over. The students today ought to be partners in progress and the leaders of tomorrow. A look at some former Nanka students union presidents before the union went into hibernation sometime in the 80’s are shown below:
1) Mr. Leonard Muoneme
2) Prof. Gabriel Chidolue
3) Sir. Christian Ezeigbo
4) Prof. Dan Ezeasor
5) Engr. Daniel Umeano
6) Engr. David Augustine Oforkaja
7) Distinguished Research Professor. ChikeAkoh(guest lecturer)
8) Mr. EnumaOkoli.
9) Mr. Kenneth Okoye and
Mr.Chike Okeke, and in 2004 Barrister Kachidebelu Bielu began the new era of the students union as President, which has been not been interrupted. These are men of goodwill who had a dream of a greater Nanka and understood the need for unity in actualizing our goals as a people, an objective they pursued on the platform of students Ndewoo unionism. Thus, they deserve to be commended, especially the pioneer president. They formed the firm foundation on which I am standing today as the students union president.
If I understood the distinguished Research Professor Chike Akoh vividly, he recommended that the leaders of look tomorrow (the youths) be integrated into today’s service where their integrity and commitment will be tested and this prepares them Cinema for the greater task ahead.
*Rounding off, he urged the young ones and anyone who is ambitious and wants to succeed in life to read the book written by Poly I.Emenike (MON) titled “Entrepreneurial spirits”

In conclusion, it was not an accident wholesale MLB jerseys that I was elected as President, N.S.U, on the same day this historic lecture was delivered, but an indication of a new dawn for the students union and our community.
We thank God for this valuable gift to Nanka , distinguished Research Professor Casmir Chike Akoh , for finding time to address Nankarians on pertinent and fundamental issues necessary in building our collective destiny as a town , and for finding time to design the Roadmap to the beautiful Nanka that we all yearn for, we cannot thank you enough. As a former student’s union president, we will not hesitate to draw from your vast experience in students’unionism, whenever the situation demands.
To Nankarians, who missed Nacional the lecture endeavor to get the lecture brochure from the editor, Nanka News, Mr Sam Ogbuju. It is not just a mere lecture brochure, but a compendium of the road map to our collective destiny.
However, to hear is one thing to understand who you’ve heard is another, to learn from what you understood is something else, but to act on what you‘ve learnt is all that really matters. A lot have been said, Bishop Paulinus Ezeokafor spoke on the “Ogbaghi Aka” syndrome last year and so many developmental lectures have been delivered by our eminent scholars and illustrious sons. Can we confidently say that the recommendation from the various lectures presented to us has been fully implemented and its resultant benefits harnessed? Or has the lecture series become mere a ceremonial annual exercise?
All hands must be on deck, those at home and those in the diaspora must unite, with love, peace and with God, Nanka ga abu Nnukwu obodo eji ama atu.
God bless Nanka.
Comrade Samuel C.A Jonas
16th President, Nanka students Union
08034965888, 08083928131


Ndi Nanka Ndewoo


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